Unity Consulting Presentation Library
All topics are best offered as a 45-60 minute presentation.

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” A famous quote by Vince Lombardi, legendary Green Bay Packers coach. I love Vince and his successful leadership style; however, I can’t entirely agree with this statement.
Come on a journey with me and my piloting career during this presentation. You will be introduced to the ThinkDiff Model, a tool for rerouting negative stories into more accurate and empowering thoughts. You will also be challenged to think differently about your emotions, thoughts, and leading yourself.
During this session, learners will
- Define the biological process in our brain when we think.
- Define how Emotional Intelligence biologically works in our brain.
- Demonstrate how to change our Thought Intelligence using the ThinkDiff Model.
Our success is predicated by how we think. If we’re not happy with our success, then we need to think differently.
If you are ever around people (family, co-workers, strangers), then this session is for you! During this fun, interactive learning session, you will be asked to get out of your chair, move around the room, and be challenged to think differently about your behaviors and how you see others. You will walk away with at least one mind-changing idea, helping you connect and communicate at a deeper level, increasing your behavioral awareness.
The mind, body and soul work together to bring awareness to the things we value most in this world. It’s important to identify what motivates these components of our lives in order to enjoy waking up every day. This presentation identifies simple habits to create a fulfilling life regarding how we think, move and make decisions.
During our time together we will:
- Define the biological process in our brain when we think.
- Demonstrate how to kill the ANTs in our brain. (automatic negative thoughts)
- List three health choices to prioritize to create and maintain a healthy brain.
- Define a life hack that includes two “D” words that will guarantee fulfillment and success.
Our brain is the center of our success. How well do you take care of it? As a certified Brain Health Licensed Trainer, certified by Dr. Daniel Amen, I will challenge you to think differently about how to create a brain healthy environment. When we love our brain, we will get the life that we want. During this workshop we will:
- Define 11 risk factors that deplete our brain and steal our mind, including what is bad and good for your brain.
- Create easy-to-reference lists so we can prevent or treat the risk factors to avoid sickness and continue living a healthy life.
- Demonstrate easy life hacks to combat the risk factors.
Come learn with us. Come grow with us. Come develop into a strong leader!